The Agony of The Girl Child


The Agony of The Girl Child, It would be ironical for one to ask the question; Who is the girl child?  Of course, our society today would jump into answering that she is that little female child found in the family whose opinion doesn’t count, so sending her to school holds no profit for the family.

The family’s wealth must not be wasted, another fellow would say. Looking into our society, one would see that she is that child who starts her slavery adventure from her father’s house and ends it in her husband’s where she is overworked, undernourished and not taken care of.

These are the dehumanizing ways by which society sees these precious ones. In the Dark Ages, such mistakes may have been committed but it is beyond comprehension how in the 21st Century the situation remains the same for many girls in our society. My eyes fill with tears just trying to understand how can anyone be so unjust.

The girl child is not a stock that should be laughed at, as one can not exhaust the goodness that can reach a family or society through herGirls are gifts of God whose hearts overflow with care and empathy. Unfortunately, the responsibilities of girls start from their fathers’ homes. They are forced to actively help and care for the family. Young girls are burdened with taking care of younger siblings and contribute in any way to reduce their parents’ stress levels.

These girls are unable to go to school as their parents feel that they will be wasting this time and that can be better used in the form of helping with housework. Sons are given preference in terms of education and health care as they are considered as breadwinners for their families as they grow up.

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However, if girls are given proper education, they can do wonders. They can make a difference in government agencies, as politicians and in any other profession. Seeing the likes of Dr Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, former Nigeria Finance Minister;  Prof. Dora Akunyili (late), former Director of National Agency for Food and  Drug Administration and  Control; Stella Odua, former Aviation Minister; Patricia Ete,  the first female speaker of Nigeria house of representatives; Virginia Etiaba, the first female governor(Anambra state) and the list goes on. And beyond the shores of Africa, Theresa May former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK); Angela Dorothea Merkel the current Chancellor of Germany; Jacinda Ardern, the current Prime Minister of New Zealand and the youngest female head of government and so on.

Maria Montessori, the Italian physician and educator who founded the theory that proves that defective children can learn if taught, these individuals are proof that if young girls are given their rights and education they can become an asset for people at large.

It is a shame seeing how our society overlooks the fertile opportunities which these precious ones are prone to exploring in making society a better place. It’s a shame to see the double standards our society holds against girls and also a betrayal by parents who send this child out there into the brutal world to earn money.

As the girl struggles to bring home some money for the family, she is often kidnapped, abused, and sometimes even killed by the same society which promised her security. “The family is in need, so let every member help” is the theory parents defend themselves with. However, there are many ways to send her to school, feed, even clothe her, other than letting her pay for it with her life.


“No!” the society may affirm before sending her to become a slave somewhere in the abode of another stranger, hoping to use her to bring home some resources for training her siblings. In such abode, the girl plays a role she has never rehearsed before. She becomes the mother in the kitchen, cooking and serving with the same prowess as a world-class chef if not, she is punished for it. The role of a wife is also given in this strange home where she’s abused.

Our society must come to concede to their need for moral cleansing so that their eyes open to the truth that today, this precious one is a gift. She should be handled with love and respect so that she may make out of herself the likes of such crémé dé la crémé as Maria Montessori or at least the type of woman she solely desires to be.

In order to change the mindset of the vast majority of rural people in Nigeria, we need to increase consciousness and education and to show people how healthy, happy and educated girls can contribute to the society as well. For this purpose, we need your support and donations. Our programs are aimed at spreading awareness especially amongst the poor people of Nigeria. You can donate in many ways to this cause.

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Helpers Social Development Foundation is among top charities that accept cryptocurrency. We accept donations of cryptocurrency to help underprivileged children, youth and women to ensure a healthy development amongst them. Consider donating your bitcoin directly to HSDF to support children, youth and women education, the programme of economic empowerment and healthcare delivery in Nigeria. Your support will go a long way to eradicate poverty in this country. Millions of Nigerian youth and women need your support to survive.  No amount is too small to help the needy.

The Agony of The Girl Child in Africa. Donate cryptocurrency to support girls education in Africa. Helpers Social Development Foundation is accepting Bitcoin donations and other cryptocurrency to empower more girls through education. 

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The Agony of The Girl Child