Lunch & Learn program

“Never be too busy as not to think of others.” – Mother Theresa

Helpers Social Development Foundation is a nonprofit making organization, committed to make a difference in Africa.

You are invited to a special Lunch and learn program. 

Date: 8th December, 2021. Time: 12pm -1pm  EST.

Use your lunch hours to change the lives of so many children. 

Join us to help make an impact to humanity.

Lunch and learn program

Meeting invitation link will be sent to your email address after confirming your registration.

  • Mission Statement:

Working towards creating opportunities for children, youth, and women to have benefits in the realm of education, quality health care delivery and programmes of economic empowerment through its initiatives.


  • Vision Statement:

To see a society where children, youth, and women have access to social amenities in relation to good health care delivery, economic empowerment and sound education irrespective of their religion or tribe.

Helpers Foundation office Location: 70 Adelabu street uwani, Enugu State, Nigeria.

Sponsor a child education today